Source code for aospy.region

"""Functionality pertaining to aggregating data over geographical regions."""
import logging

from . import internal_names

def _add_to_mask(data, lat_bounds, lon_bounds):
    """Add mask spanning given lat-lon rectangle."""
    mask_lat = ((data[internal_names.LAT_STR] > lat_bounds[0]) &
                (data[internal_names.LAT_STR] < lat_bounds[1]))
    return mask_lat & ((data[internal_names.LON_STR] > lon_bounds[0]) &
                       (data[internal_names.LON_STR] < lon_bounds[1]))

def _make_mask(data, mask_bounds):
    """Construct the mask that defines this region."""
    # For each set of bounds add to the conditional.
    mask = False
    for lat_bounds, lon_bounds in mask_bounds:
        mask |= _add_to_mask(data, lat_bounds, lon_bounds)
    return mask

def _get_land_mask(data, do_land_mask):
    if not do_land_mask:
        return 1
        land_mask = data.land_mask.copy()
    except AttributeError:
        # TODO: Implement aospy built-in land mask to default to.
        msg = ("No land mask found.  Using empty mask, which amounts to "
               "no land or ocean mask being applied.  Regions that use a "
               "land or ocean mask will therefore NOT be accurately "
        return 1
        percent_bool = land_mask.units.lower() in ('%', 'percent')
        logging.debug("Converting land mask from 0-100 to 0.0-1.0")
    except AttributeError:
        # Wrong for the edge case where no grid cell is 100% land.
        percent_bool = land_mask.max() == 100
    if percent_bool:
        land_mask *= 0.01
    if do_land_mask is True:
        return land_mask
    if do_land_mask == 'ocean':
        return 1. - land_mask
    if do_land_mask in ('strict_land', 'strict_ocean'):
        raise NotImplementedError
    msg = ("'do_land_mask' value of '{0}' is not one of the valid "
           "choices: [True, False, 'ocean', 'strict_land', "
    raise ValueError(msg)

def _sum_over_lat_lon(arr):
    """Sum an array over the latitude and longitude dimensions."""
    return arr.sum(internal_names.LAT_STR).sum(internal_names.LON_STR)

[docs]class Region(object): """Geographical region over which to perform averages and other reductions. Each `Proj` object includes a list of `Region` objects, which is used by `Calc` to determine which regions over which to perform time reductions over region-average quantities. Region boundaries are specified as either a single "rectangle" in latitude and longitude or the union of multiple such rectangles. In addition, a land or ocean mask can be applied. Attributes ---------- name : str The region's name description : str A description of the region mask_bounds : tuple The coordinates definining the lat-lon rectangle(s) that define(s) the region's boundaries do_land_mask Whether values occurring over land, ocean, or neither are excluded from the region, and whether the included points must be strictly land or ocean or if fractional land/ocean values are included. See Also -------- aospy.Calc.region_calcs """
[docs] def __init__(self, name='', description='', lon_bounds=[], lat_bounds=[], mask_bounds=[], do_land_mask=False): """Instantiate a Region object. If a region spans across the endpoint of the data's longitude array (i.e. it crosses the Prime Meridian for data with longitudes spanning 0 to 360), it must be defined as the union of two sections extending to the east and to the west of the Prime Meridian. Parameters ---------- name : str The region's name. This must be unique from that of any other `Region` objects being used by the overlying `Proj`. description : str, optional A description of the region. This is not used internally by aospy; it is solely for the user's information. lon_bounds, lat_bounds : length-2 sequence, optional The longitude and latitude bounds of the region. If the region boundaries are more complicated than a single lat-lon rectangle, use `mask_bounds` instead. mask_bounds : sequence, optional Each element is a length-2 tuple of the format `(lat_bounds, lon_bounds)`, where each of `lat_bounds` and `lon_bounds` are of the form described above. do_land_mask : { False, True, 'ocean', 'strict_land', 'strict_ocean'}, optional Determines what, if any, land mask is applied in addition to the mask defining the region's boundaries. Default `False`. - True: apply the data's full land mask - False: apply no mask - 'ocean': mask out land rather than ocean - 'strict_land': mask out all points that are not 100% land - 'strict_ocean': mask out all points that are not 100% ocean Examples -------- Define a region spanning the entire globe >>> globe = Region(name='globe', lat_bounds=(-90, 90), ... lon_bounds=(0, 360), do_land_mask=False) Define a region corresponding to the Sahel region of Africa, which we'll define as land points within 10N-20N latitude and 18W-40E longitude. Because this region crosses the 0 degrees longitude point, it has to be defined using `mask_bounds` as the union of two lat-lon rectangles. >>> sahel = Region(name='sahel', do_land_mask=True, ... mask_bounds=[((10, 20), (0, 40)), ... ((10, 20), (342, 360))]) """ = name self.description = description if lon_bounds and lat_bounds and not mask_bounds: self.mask_bounds = [(lat_bounds, lon_bounds)] else: self.mask_bounds = mask_bounds self.do_land_mask = do_land_mask
def __str__(self): return 'Geographical region "' + + '"' __repr__ = __str__
[docs] def mask_var(self, data): """Mask the data of the given variable outside the region.""" return data.where(_make_mask(data, self.mask_bounds))
[docs] def ts(self, data): """Create time-series of region-average data.""" data_masked = self.mask_var(data) sfc_area = data.sfc_area land_mask = _get_land_mask(data, self.do_land_mask) weights = _sum_over_lat_lon((self.mask_var(sfc_area)*land_mask)) return (_sum_over_lat_lon(data_masked*sfc_area*land_mask) / weights)
[docs] def av(self, data): """Time average of region-average time-series.""" ts_ = self.ts(data) if 'year' not in ts_.coords: return ts_ return ts_.mean('year')
[docs] def std(self, data): """Standard deviation of region-average time-series.""" ts_ = self.ts(data) if 'year' not in ts_.coords: return ts_ return ts_.std('year')