What’s New

v0.1.2 (30 March 2017)

This release improves the process of submitting multiple calculations for automatic execution. The user interface, documentation, internal logic, and packaging all received upgrades and/or bugfixes.

We also now have a mailing list. Join it to follow and/or post your own usage questions, bug reports, suggestions, etc.


  • Include an example library of aospy objects that works out-of-the-box with the provided example main script (PR155). By Spencer Clark and Spencer Hill.
  • Improve Examples page of the documentation by using this new example object library (PR164). By Spencer Hill.
  • Improve readability/usability of the included example script aospy_main.py for submitting aospy calculations by moving all internal logic into new automate.py module (PR155). By Spencer Clark and Spencer Hill.
  • Enable user to specify whether or not to write output to .tar files (in addition to the standard output). Also document an error that occurs when writing output to .tar files for sufficiently old versions of tar (including the version that ships standard on MacOS), and print a warning when errors are caught during the ‘tar’ call (PR160). By Spencer Hill.

Bug fixes

  • Update packaging specifications such that the example main script and tutorial notebook actually ship with aospy as intended (fixes GH149 via PR161). By Spencer Hill.
  • Use the ‘scipy’ engine for the xarray.DataArray.to_netcdf call when writing aospy calculation outputs to disk to prevent a bug when trying to re-write to an existing netCDF file (fixes GH157 via PR160). By Spencer Hill.

v0.1.1 (2 March 2017)

This release includes fixes for a number of bugs mistakenly introduced in the refactoring of the variable loading step of calc.py (PR90), as well as support for xarray version 0.9.1.


  • Support for xarray version 0.9.1 and require it or a later xarray version. By Spencer Clark and Spencer Hill.
  • Better support for variable names relating to “bounds” dimension of input data files. “bnds”, “bounds”, and “nv” now all supported (PR140). By Spencer Hill.
  • When coercing dims of input data to aospy’s internal names, for scalars change only the name; for non-scalars change the name, force them to have a coord, and copy over their attrs (PR140). By Spencer Hill.

Bug fixes

  • Fix bug involving loading data that has dims that lack coords (which is possible as of xarray v0.9.0). By Spencer Hill.
  • Fix an instance where the name for pressure half levels was mistakenly replaced with the name for the pressure full levels (PR126). By Spencer Clark.
  • Prevent workaround for dates outside the pd.Timestamp valid range from being applied to dates within the pd.Timestamp valid range (PR128). By Spencer Clark.
  • Ensure that all DataArrays associated with aospy.Var objects have a time weights coordinate with CF-compliant time units. This allows them to be cast as the type np.timedelta64, and be safely converted to have units of days before taking time-weighted averages (PR128). By Spencer Clark.
  • Fix a bug where the time weights were not subset in time prior to taking a time weighted average; this caused computed seasonal averages to be too small. To prevent this from failing silently again, we now raise a ValueError if the time coordinate of the time weights is not identical to the time coordinate of the array associated with the aospy.Var (PR128). By Spencer Clark.
  • Enable calculations to be completed using data saved as a single time-slice on disk (fixes GH132 through PR135). By Spencer Clark.
  • Fix bug where workaround for dates outside the pd.Timestamp valid range caused a mismatch between the data loaded and the data requested (fixes GH138 through PR139). By Spencer Clark.

v0.1 (24 January 2017)