Source code for aospy.calc

"""Functionality for performing user-specified calculations on aospy data."""
from collections import OrderedDict
import logging
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import tarfile
from time import ctime

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from .constants import Constant, grav
from . import internal_names
from . import utils
from .var import Var


dp = Var(
    description='Pressure thickness of model levels.',
ps = Var(
    description='Surface pressure.',

[docs]class CalcInterface(object): """Interface to the Calc class.""" def _set_data_attrs(self): for attr in ('default_start_date', 'default_end_date', 'data_loader'): attr_val = tuple([, attr, strict=False) for rn in ]) setattr(self, attr, attr_val)
[docs] def __init__(self, proj=None, model=None, run=None, ens_mem=None, var=None, date_range=None, region=None, intvl_in=None, intvl_out=None, dtype_in_time=None, dtype_in_vert=None, dtype_out_time=None, dtype_out_vert=None, level=None, time_offset=None): """Instantiate a CalcInterface object. Parameters ---------- proj : aospy.Proj object The project for this calculation. model : aospy.Model object The model for this calculation. run : aospy.Run object The run for this calculation. var : aospy.Var object The variable for this calculation. ens_mem : Currently not supported. This will eventually be used to specify particular ensemble members of multi-member ensemble simulations. region : sequence of aospy.Region objects The region(s) over which any regional reductions will be performed. date_range : tuple of datetime.datetime objects The range of dates over which to perform calculations. intvl_in : {None, 'annual', 'monthly', 'daily', '6hr', '3hr'}, optional The time resolution of the input data. dtype_in_time : {None, 'inst', 'ts', 'av', 'av_ts'}, optional What the time axis of the input data represents: - 'inst' : Timeseries of instantaneous values - 'ts' : Timeseries of averages over the period of each time-index - 'av' : A single value averaged over a date range dtype_in_vert : {None, 'pressure', 'sigma'}, optional The vertical coordinate system used by the input data: - None : not defined vertically - 'pressure' : pressure coordinates - 'sigma' : hybrid sigma-pressure coordinates intvl_out : {'ann', season-string, month-integer} The sub-annual time interval over which to compute: - 'ann' : Annual mean - season-string : E.g. 'JJA' for June-July-August - month-integer : 1 for January, 2 for February, etc. dtype_out_time : tuple with elements being one or more of: - Gridpoint-by-gridpoint output: - 'av' : Gridpoint-by-gridpoint time-average - 'std' : Gridpoint-by-gridpoint temporal standard deviation - 'ts' : Gridpoint-by-gridpoint time-series - Averages over each region specified via `region`: - 'reg.av', 'reg.std', 'reg.ts' : analogous to 'av', 'std', 'ts' dtype_out_vert : {None, 'vert_av', 'vert_int'}, optional How to reduce the data vertically: - None : no vertical reduction (i.e. output is defined vertically) - 'vert_av' : mass-weighted vertical average - 'vert_int' : mass-weighted vertical integral time_offset : {None, dict}, optional How to offset input data in time to correct for metadata errors - None : no time offset applied - dict : e.g. ``{'hours': -3}`` to offset times by -3 hours See :py:meth:`aospy.utils.times.apply_time_offset`. """ # TODO: This tuple-izing is for support of calculations where variables # come from different runs. However, this is a very fragile way # of implementing that functionality. Eventually it will be # replaced with something better. if not isinstance(run, (list, tuple)): run = tuple([run]) for r in run: msg = ("Model '{0}' has no run '{1}'. Calc object " "will not be generated.".format(model, run)) if r not in model.runs: raise AttributeError(msg) proj = tuple([proj]) model = tuple([model]) # Make tuples the same length. if len(proj) == 1 and (len(model) > 1 or len(run) > 1): proj = tuple(list(proj)*len(run)) if len(model) == 1 and len(run) > 1: model = tuple(list(model)*len(run)) self.proj = proj self.model = model = run self._set_data_attrs() self.proj_str = '_'.join(set([ for p in self.proj])) self.model_str = '_'.join(set([ for m in self.model])) run_names = [ for r in] self.run_str = '_'.join(set(run_names)) self.run_str_full = '_'.join(run_names) self.var = var = self.domain = self.var.domain self.def_time = self.var.def_time self.def_vert = self.var.def_vert try: self.function = self.var.func except AttributeError: self.function = lambda x: x if getattr(self.var, 'variables', False): self.variables = self.var.variables else: self.variables = (self.var,) self.ens_mem = ens_mem self.level = level self.intvl_in = intvl_in self.intvl_out = intvl_out self.dtype_in_time = dtype_in_time self.dtype_in_vert = dtype_in_vert = ps if isinstance(dtype_out_time, (list, tuple)): self.dtype_out_time = tuple(dtype_out_time) else: self.dtype_out_time = tuple([dtype_out_time]) self.dtype_out_vert = dtype_out_vert self.region = region self.months = utils.times.month_indices(intvl_out) if date_range == 'default': self.start_date = utils.times.ensure_datetime([0].default_start_date) self.end_date = utils.times.ensure_datetime([0].default_end_date) else: self.start_date = utils.times.ensure_datetime(date_range[0]) self.end_date = utils.times.ensure_datetime(date_range[-1]) self.time_offset = time_offset self.data_loader = self.data_loader[0] self.data_loader_attrs = dict( domain=self.domain, intvl_in=self.intvl_in, dtype_in_vert=self.dtype_in_vert, dtype_in_time=self.dtype_in_time, intvl_out=self.intvl_out)
[docs]class Calc(object): """Class for executing, saving, and loading a single computation. Calc objects are instantiated with a single argument: a `CalcInterface` object that includes all of the parameters necessary to determine what calculations to perform. """ ARR_XARRAY_NAME = 'aospy_result' _grid_coords = [internal_names.LAT_STR, internal_names.LAT_BOUNDS_STR, internal_names.LON_STR, internal_names.LON_BOUNDS_STR, internal_names.ZSURF_STR, internal_names.SFC_AREA_STR, internal_names.LAND_MASK_STR, internal_names.PK_STR, internal_names.BK_STR, internal_names.PHALF_STR, internal_names.PFULL_STR, internal_names.PLEVEL_STR] _grid_attrs = OrderedDict([(key, internal_names.GRID_ATTRS[key]) for key in _grid_coords]) def __str__(self): """String representation of the object.""" return "<aospy.Calc instance: " + ', '.join( (, self.proj_str, self.model_str, self.run_str_full) ) + ">" __repr__ = __str__ def _dir_out(self): """Create string of the data directory to save individual .nc files.""" ens_label = return os.path.join(self.proj[0].direc_out, self.proj_str, self.model_str, self.run_str, ens_label, def _dir_tar_out(self): """Create string of the data directory to store a tar file.""" ens_label = return os.path.join(self.proj[0].tar_direc_out, self.proj_str, self.model_str, self.run_str, ens_label) def _file_name(self, dtype_out_time, extension='nc'): """Create the name of the aospy file.""" out_lbl =, dtype_out_time, dtype_vert=self.dtype_out_vert) in_lbl =, self.dtype_in_time, self.dtype_in_vert) ens_lbl = yr_lbl =, self.end_date.year)) return '.'.join( [, out_lbl, in_lbl, self.model_str, self.run_str, ens_lbl, yr_lbl, extension] ).replace('..', '.') def _path_out(self, dtype_out_time): return os.path.join(self.dir_out, self.file_name[dtype_out_time]) def _path_tar_out(self): return os.path.join(self.dir_tar_out, 'data.tar') @staticmethod def _print_verbose(*args): """Print diagnostic message.""" try: return '{0} {1} ({2})'.format(args[0], args[1], ctime()) except IndexError: return '{0} ({1})'.format(args[0], ctime())
[docs] def __init__(self, calc_interface): self.__dict__ = vars(calc_interface) logging.debug(self._print_verbose( 'Initializing Calc instance:', self.__str__() )) [mod.set_grid_data() for mod in self.model] if isinstance(calc_interface.ens_mem, int): self.data_direc = self.data_direc[calc_interface.ens_mem] self.dir_out = self._dir_out() self.dir_tar_out = self._dir_tar_out() self.file_name = {d: self._file_name(d) for d in self.dtype_out_time} self.path_out = {d: self._path_out(d) for d in self.dtype_out_time} self.path_tar_out = self._path_tar_out() self.data_out = {}
def _to_desired_dates(self, arr): """Restrict the xarray DataArray or Dataset to the desired months.""" times = utils.times.extract_months( arr[internal_names.TIME_STR], self.months ) return arr.sel(time=times) def _add_grid_attributes(self, ds, n=0): """Add model grid attributes to a dataset""" for name_int, names_ext in self._grid_attrs.items(): ds_coord_name = set(names_ext).intersection(set(ds.coords) | set(ds.data_vars)) model_attr = getattr(self.model[n], name_int, None) if ds_coord_name: # Force coords to have desired name. ds = ds.rename({list(ds_coord_name)[0]: name_int}) ds = ds.set_coords(name_int) if not np.array_equal(ds[name_int], model_attr): if np.allclose(ds[name_int], model_attr): msg = ("Values for '{0}' are nearly (but not exactly) " "the same in the Run {1} and the Model {2}. " "Therefore replacing Run's values with the " "model's.".format(name_int,[n], self.model[n])) ds[name_int].values = model_attr.values else: msg = ("Model coordinates for '{0}' do not match those" " in Run: {1} vs. {2}" "".format(name_int, ds[name_int], model_attr)) else: # Bring in coord from model object if it exists. ds = ds.load() if model_attr is not None: ds[name_int] = model_attr ds = ds.set_coords(name_int) if (self.dtype_in_vert == 'pressure' and internal_names.PLEVEL_STR in ds.coords): self.pressure = ds.level return ds def _get_pressure_from_p_coords(self, ps, name='p', n=0): """Get pressure or pressure thickness array for data on p-coords.""" if np.any(self.pressure): pressure = self.pressure else: pressure = self.model[n].level if name == 'p': return pressure if name == 'dp': return utils.vertcoord.dp_from_p(pressure, ps) raise ValueError("name must be 'p' or 'dp':" "'{}'".format(name)) def _get_pressure_from_eta_coords(self, ps, name='p', n=0): """Get pressure (p) or p thickness array for data on model coords.""" bk = self.model[n].bk pk = self.model[n].pk pfull_coord = self.model[n].pfull if name == 'p': return utils.vertcoord.pfull_from_ps(bk, pk, ps, pfull_coord) if name == 'dp': return utils.vertcoord.dp_from_ps(bk, pk, ps, pfull_coord) raise ValueError("name must be 'p' or 'dp':" "'{}'".format(name)) def _get_pressure_vals(self, var, start_date, end_date, n=0): """Get pressure array, whether sigma or standard levels.""" try: ps = self._ps_data except AttributeError: self._ps_data = self.data_loader.load_variable(, start_date, end_date, self.time_offset, **self.data_loader_attrs) name = self._ps_data = self._add_grid_attributes( self._ps_data.to_dataset(name=name), 0) self._ps_data = self._ps_data[name] ps = self._ps_data if self.dtype_in_vert == 'pressure': return self._get_pressure_from_p_coords(ps,, n=n) if self.dtype_in_vert == internal_names.ETA_STR: return self._get_pressure_from_eta_coords(ps,, n=n) raise ValueError("`dtype_in_vert` must be either 'pressure' or " "'sigma' for pressure data") def _get_input_data(self, var, start_date, end_date, n): """Get the data for a single variable over the desired date range.""""Getting input data:", var)) # If only 1 run, use it to load all data. Otherwise assume that num # runs equals num vars to load. if len( == 1: n = 0 # Pass numerical constants as is. if isinstance(var, (float, int)): return var elif isinstance(var, Constant): return var.value # aospy.Var objects remain. # Pressure handled specially due to complications from sigma vs. p. elif in ('p', 'dp'): data = self._get_pressure_vals(var, start_date, end_date) if self.dtype_in_vert == internal_names.ETA_STR: return self._to_desired_dates(data) return data # Get grid, time, etc. arrays directly from model object elif in (internal_names.LAT_STR, internal_names.LON_STR, internal_names.TIME_STR, internal_names.PLEVEL_STR, internal_names.PK_STR, internal_names.BK_STR, internal_names.SFC_AREA_STR): data = getattr(self.model[n], else: cond_pfull = ((not hasattr(self, internal_names.PFULL_STR)) and var.def_vert and self.dtype_in_vert == internal_names.ETA_STR) data = self.data_loader.load_variable(var, start_date, end_date, self.time_offset, **self.data_loader_attrs) name = data = self._add_grid_attributes( data.to_dataset(, 0) data = data[name] if cond_pfull: try: self.pfull_coord = data[internal_names.PFULL_STR] except KeyError: pass # Force all data to be at full pressure levels, not half levels. bool_to_pfull = (self.dtype_in_vert == internal_names.ETA_STR and var.def_vert == internal_names.PHALF_STR) if bool_to_pfull: data = utils.vertcoord.to_pfull_from_phalf(data, self.pfull_coord) # Correct GFDL instantaneous data time indexing problem. if var.def_time: # Restrict to the desired dates within each year. if self.dtype_in_time != 'av': return self._to_desired_dates(data) else: return data def _prep_data(self, data, func_input_dtype): """Convert data to type needed by the given function. :param data: List of xarray.DataArray objects. :param func_input_dtype: One of (None, 'DataArray', 'Dataset', 'numpy'). Specifies which datatype to convert to. """ if func_input_dtype in (None, 'DataArray'): return data if func_input_dtype == 'Dataset': # TODO: add logic that creates a single Dataset comprising all of # the DataArray objects in `data`. raise NotImplementedError("func_input_dtype of `Dataset` not yet " "implemented.") if func_input_dtype == 'numpy': self.coords = data[0].coords return [d.values for d in data] def _get_all_data(self, start_date, end_date): """Get the needed data from all of the vars in the calculation.""" return [self._prep_data(self._get_input_data(var, start_date, end_date, n), self.var.func_input_dtype) for n, var in enumerate(self.variables)] def _local_ts(self, *data): """Perform the computation at each gridpoint and time index.""" arr = self.function(*data) if self.var.func_input_dtype == 'numpy': arr = xr.DataArray(arr, coords=self.coords) = return arr def _compute(self, data, monthly_mean=False): """Perform the calculation.""" if monthly_mean: data_monthly = [] for d in data: try: data_monthly.append(utils.times.monthly_mean_ts(d)) except KeyError: data_monthly.append(d) data = data_monthly local_ts = self._local_ts(*data) dt = local_ts[internal_names.TIME_WEIGHTS_STR] if monthly_mean: dt = utils.times.monthly_mean_ts(dt) # Convert dt to units of days to prevent overflow dt = dt / np.timedelta64(1, 'D') return local_ts, dt # TODO: Move to utils.vertcoord def _vert_int(self, arr, dp): """Vertical integral""" return utils.vertcoord.int_dp_g(arr, dp) def _compute_full_ts(self, data, monthly_mean=False, zonal_asym=False): """Perform calculation and create yearly timeseries at each point.""" # Get results at each desired timestep and spatial point. # Here we need to provide file read-in dates (NOT xarray dates) full_ts, dt = self._compute(data, monthly_mean=monthly_mean) if zonal_asym: full_ts = full_ts - full_ts.mean(internal_names.LON_STR) # Vertically integrate. vert_types = ('vert_int', 'vert_av') if self.dtype_out_vert in vert_types and self.var.def_vert: # Here we need file read-in dates (NOT xarray dates) full_ts = self._vert_int(full_ts, self._get_pressure_vals( dp, self.start_date, self.end_date )) if self.dtype_out_vert == 'vert_av': full_ts *= (grav.value / self._to_desired_dates(self._ps_data)) return full_ts, dt def _avg_by_year(self, arr, dt): """Average a sub-yearly time-series over each year.""" utils.times.assert_matching_time_coord(arr, dt) yr_str = internal_names.TIME_STR + '.year' return ((arr*dt).groupby(yr_str).sum(internal_names.TIME_STR) / dt.groupby(yr_str).sum(internal_names.TIME_STR)) def _full_to_yearly_ts(self, arr, dt): """Average the full timeseries within each year.""" time_defined = self.def_time and not ('av' in self.dtype_in_time) if time_defined: arr = self._avg_by_year(arr, dt) return arr def _time_reduce(self, arr, reduction): """Perform the specified time reduction on a local time-series.""" if self.dtype_in_time == 'av': return arr reductions = { 'None': lambda xarr: xarr, 'ts': lambda xarr: xarr, 'av': lambda xarr: xarr.mean(internal_names.YEAR_STR), 'std': lambda xarr: xarr.std(internal_names.YEAR_STR), } try: return reductions[reduction](arr) except KeyError: raise ValueError("Specified time-reduction method '{}' is not " "supported".format(reduction))
[docs] def region_calcs(self, arr, func, n=0): """Perform a calculation for all regions.""" # Get pressure values for data output on hybrid vertical coordinates. bool_pfull = (self.def_vert and self.dtype_in_vert == internal_names.ETA_STR and self.dtype_out_vert is False) if bool_pfull: pfull = self._full_to_yearly_ts(self._prep_data( self._get_input_data(Var('p'), self.start_date, self.end_date, 0), self.var.func_input_dtype ), arr[internal_names.TIME_WEIGHTS_STR]).rename('pressure') # Loop over the regions, performing the calculation. reg_dat = {} for reg in self.region: # Just pass along the data if averaged already. if 'av' in self.dtype_in_time: data_out = reg.ts(arr) # Otherwise perform the calculation. else: method = getattr(reg, func) data_out = method(arr) if bool_pfull: # Don't apply e.g. standard deviation to coordinates. if func not in ['av', 'ts']: method = reg.ts # Convert Pa to hPa coord = method(pfull) * 1e-2 data_out = data_out.assign_coords( **{ + '_pressure': coord} ) reg_dat.update(**{ data_out}) return OrderedDict(sorted(reg_dat.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))
def _apply_all_time_reductions(self, full_ts, monthly_ts, eddy_ts): """Apply all requested time reductions to the data.""""Applying desired time-" "reduction methods.")) # Determine which are regional, eddy, time-mean. reduc_specs = [r.split('.') for r in self.dtype_out_time] reduced = {} for reduc, specs in zip(self.dtype_out_time, reduc_specs): func = specs[-1] if 'eddy' in specs: data = eddy_ts elif 'time-mean' in specs: data = monthly_ts else: data = full_ts if 'reg' in specs: reduced.update({reduc: self.region_calcs(data, func)}) else: reduced.update({reduc: self._time_reduce(data, func)}) return OrderedDict(sorted(reduced.items(), key=lambda t: t[0])) def _make_full_mean_eddy_ts(self, data): """Create full, monthly-mean, and eddy timeseries of data.""" bool_monthly = (['monthly_from' in self.dtype_in_time] + ['time-mean' in dout for dout in self.dtype_out_time]) bool_eddy = ['eddy' in dout for dout in self.dtype_out_time] if not all(bool_monthly): full, full_dt = self._compute_full_ts(data, monthly_mean=False) else: full = False if any(bool_eddy) or any(bool_monthly): monthly, monthly_dt = self._compute_full_ts(data, monthly_mean=True) else: monthly = False if any(bool_eddy): eddy = full - utils.times.monthly_mean_at_each_ind(monthly, full) else: eddy = False # Average within each year. if not all(bool_monthly): full = self._full_to_yearly_ts(full, full_dt) if any(bool_monthly): monthly = self._full_to_yearly_ts(monthly, monthly_dt) if any(bool_eddy): eddy = self._full_to_yearly_ts(eddy, full_dt) return full, monthly, eddy
[docs] def compute(self, write_to_tar=True): """Perform all desired calculations on the data and save externally.""" data = self._prep_data(self._get_all_data(self.start_date, self.end_date), self.var.func_input_dtype)'Computing timeseries for {0} -- ' '{1}.'.format(self.start_date, self.end_date)) full, monthly, eddy = self._make_full_mean_eddy_ts(data) reduced = self._apply_all_time_reductions(full, monthly, eddy)"Writing desired gridded outputs to disk.") for dtype_time, data in reduced.items():, dtype_time, dtype_out_vert=self.dtype_out_vert, save_files=True, write_to_tar=write_to_tar) return self
def _save_files(self, data, dtype_out_time): """Save the data to netcdf files in direc_out.""" path = self.path_out[dtype_out_time] if not os.path.isdir(self.dir_out): os.makedirs(self.dir_out) if 'reg' in dtype_out_time: try: reg_data = xr.open_dataset(path) except (EOFError, RuntimeError, IOError): reg_data = xr.Dataset() # Add the new data to the dictionary or Dataset. # Same method works for both. reg_data.update(data) data_out = reg_data else: data_out = data if isinstance(data_out, xr.DataArray): data_out = xr.Dataset({ data_out}) data_out.to_netcdf(path, engine='scipy') def _write_to_tar(self, dtype_out_time): """Add the data to the tar file in tar_out_direc.""" if not os.path.isdir(self.dir_tar_out): os.makedirs(self.dir_tar_out) # tarfile 'append' mode won't overwrite the old file, which we want. # So open in 'read' mode, extract the file, and then delete it. # But 'read' mode throws OSError if file doesn't exist: make it first.[self.path_tar_out]) with, 'a') as tar: pass with, 'r') as tar: old_data_path = os.path.join(self.dir_tar_out, self.file_name[dtype_out_time]) try: tar.extract(self.file_name[dtype_out_time], path=old_data_path) except KeyError: pass else: # The os module treats files on archive as non-empty # directories, so can't use os.remove or os.rmdir. shutil.rmtree(old_data_path) retcode =[ "tar", "--delete", "--file={}".format(self.path_tar_out), self.file_name[dtype_out_time] ]) if retcode: msg = ("The 'tar' command to save your aospy output " "exited with an error. Most likely, this is due " "to using an old version of 'tar' (especially if " "you are on a Mac). Consider installing a newer " "version of 'tar' or disabling tar output by " "setting `write_to_tar=False` in the " "`calc_exec_options` argument of " "`submit_mult_calcs`.") logging.warn(msg) with, 'a') as tar: tar.add(self.path_out[dtype_out_time], arcname=self.file_name[dtype_out_time]) def _update_data_out(self, data, dtype): """Append the data of the given dtype_out to the data_out attr.""" try: self.data_out.update({dtype: data}) except AttributeError: self.data_out = {dtype: data}
[docs] def save(self, data, dtype_out_time, dtype_out_vert=False, save_files=True, write_to_tar=False): """Save aospy data to data_out attr and to an external file.""" self._update_data_out(data, dtype_out_time) if save_files: self._save_files(data, dtype_out_time) if write_to_tar and self.proj[0].tar_direc_out: self._write_to_tar(dtype_out_time)'\t{}'.format(self.path_out[dtype_out_time]))
def _load_from_disk(self, dtype_out_time, dtype_out_vert=False, region=False): """Load aospy data saved as netcdf files on the file system.""" ds = xr.open_dataset(self.path_out[dtype_out_time]) if region: arr = ds[] # Use region-specific pressure values if available. if (self.dtype_in_vert == internal_names.ETA_STR and not dtype_out_vert): reg_pfull_str = + '_pressure' arr = arr.drop([r for r in arr.coords.iterkeys() if r not in (internal_names.PFULL_STR, reg_pfull_str)]) # Rename pfull to pfull_ref always. arr = arr.rename({internal_names.PFULL_STR: internal_names.PFULL_STR + '_ref'}) # Rename region_pfull to pfull if its there. if hasattr(arr, reg_pfull_str): return arr.rename({reg_pfull_str: internal_names.PFULL_STR}) return arr return arr return ds[] def _load_from_tar(self, dtype_out_time, dtype_out_vert=False): """Load data save in tarball form on the file system.""" path = os.path.join(self.dir_tar_out, 'data.tar')[path]) with, 'r') as data_tar: ds = xr.open_dataset( data_tar.extractfile(self.file_name[dtype_out_time]) ) return ds[] def _get_data_subset(self, data, region=False, time=False, vert=False, lat=False, lon=False, n=0): """Subset the data array to the specified time/level/lat/lon, etc.""" if region: raise NotImplementedError if np.any(time): data = data[time] if 'monthly_from_' in self.dtype_in_time: data = np.mean(data, axis=0)[np.newaxis, :] if np.any(vert): if self.dtype_in_vert == internal_names.ETA_STR: data = data[{PFULL_STR: vert}] else: if np.max(self.model[n].level) > 1e4: # Convert from Pa to hPa. lev_hpa = self.model[n].level*1e-2 else: lev_hpa = self.model[n].level level_index = np.where(lev_hpa == self.level) if 'ts' in self.dtype_out_time: data = np.squeeze(data[:, level_index]) else: data = np.squeeze(data[level_index]) if np.any(lat): raise NotImplementedError if np.any(lon): raise NotImplementedError return data
[docs] def load(self, dtype_out_time, dtype_out_vert=False, region=False, time=False, vert=False, lat=False, lon=False, plot_units=False, mask_unphysical=False): """Load the data from the object if possible or from disk.""" msg = ("Loading data from disk for object={0}, dtype_out_time={1}, " "dtype_out_vert={2}, and region=" "{3}".format(self, dtype_out_time, dtype_out_vert, region)) + ' ({})'.format(ctime())) # Grab from the object if its there. try: data = self.data_out[dtype_out_time] except (AttributeError, KeyError): # Otherwise get from disk. Try scratch first, then archive. try: data = self._load_from_disk(dtype_out_time, dtype_out_vert, region=region) except IOError: data = self._load_from_tar(dtype_out_time, dtype_out_vert) # Copy the array to self.data_out for ease of future access. self._update_data_out(data, dtype_out_time) # Subset the array and convert units as desired. if any((time, vert, lat, lon)): data = self._get_data_subset(data, region=False, time=time, vert=vert, lat=lat, lon=lon) # Apply desired plotting/cleanup methods. if mask_unphysical: data = self.var.mask_unphysical(data) if plot_units: data = self.var.to_plot_units(data, dtype_vert=dtype_out_vert) return data