Using aospy

This section provides a high-level summary of how to use aospy. See the Overview section of this documentation for more background information, or the Examples section for concrete examples.

Your aospy object library

The first step is writing the code that describes your data and the quantities you eventually want to compute using it. We refer to this code collectively as your “object library”.

Describing your data on disk

aospy needs to know where the data you want to use is located on disk and how it is organized across different projects, models, and model runs (i.e. simulations). This involves a hierarchy of three classes, aospy.Proj, aospy.Model, and aospy.Run.

  1. aospy.Proj: This represents a single project that involves analysis of data from one or more models and simulations.
  2. aospy.Model: This represents a single climate model, other numerical model, observational data source, etc.
  3. aospy.Run: This represents a single simulation, version of observational data, etc.

So each user’s object library will contain one or more aospy.Proj objects, each of which will have one or more child aospy.Model objects, which in turn will each have one or more child aospy.Run objects.


Currently, the Proj-Model-Run hierarchy is rigid, in that each Run has a parent Model, and each Model has a parent Proj. Work is ongoing to relax this to a more generic parent-child framework.

Physical variables

The aospy.Var class is used to represent physical variables, e.g. precipitation rate or potential temperature. This includes both variables which are directly available in netCDF files (e.g. they were directly outputted by your model or gridded data product) as well as those fields that must be computed from other variables (e.g. they weren’t directly outputted but can be computed from other variables that were outputted).

Geographical regions

The aospy.Region class is used to define geographical regions over which quantities can be averaged (in addition to gridpoint-by-gridpoint values). Like aospy.Var objects, they are more generic than the objects of the aospy.Proj - aospy.Model - aospy.Run hierarchy, in that they correspond to the generic physical quantities/regions rather than the data of a particular project, model, or simulation.

Object library structure

The officially supported way to submit calculations is the aospy.submit_mult_calcs() function. In order for this to work, your object library must follow one or the other of these structures:

  1. All aospy.Proj and aospy.Var objects are accessible as attributes of your library. This means that my_obj_lib.my_obj works, where my_obj_lib is your object library, and my_obj is the object in question.
  2. All aospy.Proj objects are stored in a container called projs, where projs is an attribute of your library (i.e. my_obj_lib.projs). And likewise for aospy.Var objects in a variables attribute.

Beyond that, you can structure your object library however you wish. In particular, it can be structured as a Python module (i.e. a single “.py” file) or as a package (i.e. multiple “.py” files linked together; see the official documentation on package structuring).

A single module works great for small projects and for initially trying out aospy (this is how the example object library, aospy.examples.example_obj_lib, is structured). But as your object library grows, it can become easier to manage as a package of multiple files. For an example of a large object library that is structured as a formal package, see here.

Accessing your library

If your current working directory is the one containing your library, you can import your library via import my_obj_lib (replacing my_obj_lib with whatever you’ve named yours) in order to pass it to aospy.submit_mult_calcs().

Once you start using aospy a lot, however, this requirement of being in the same directory becomes cumbersome. As a solution, you can add the directory containing your object library to the PYTHONPATH environment variable. E.g if you’re using the bash shell:

export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/your/object/library:${PYTHONPATH}

Of course, replace /path/to/your/object/library with the actual path to yours. This command places your object library at the front of the PYTHONPATH environment variable, which is essentially the first place where Python looks to find packages and modules to be imported. (For more, see Python’s official documentation on PYTHONPATH).


It’s convenient to copy this command into your shell profile (e.g., for the bash shell on Linux or Mac, ~/.bash_profile) so that you don’t have to call it again in every new terminal session.

To test this is working, run python -c "import my_obj_lib" from a directory other than where the library is located (again replacing my_obj_lib with the name you’ve given to your library). If this runs without error, you should be good to go.

Executing calculations

As noted above, the officially supported way to submit calculations is the aospy.submit_mult_calcs() function.

We provide a template “main” script with aospy that uses this function. We recommend copying it to the location of your choice. In the copy, replace the example object library and associated objects with your own. (If you accidentally change the original, you can always get a fresh copy from Github).

Running the main script

Once the main script parameters are all modified as desired, execute the script from the command line as follows


This should generate a text summary of the specified parameters and a prompt as to whether to proceed or not with the calculations. An affirmative response then triggers the calculations to execute.


You may need to change the permissions on the file to make it executable. E.g. from a Mac or Linux: chmod u+x /path/to/your/ Alternatively you can call python or IPython from the command line to run it: python /path/to/your/ or ipython /path/to/your/

Specifically, the parameters are permuted over all possible combinations. So, for example, if two model names and three variable names were listed and all other parameters had only one element, six calculations would be generated and executed. There is no limit to the number of permutations.


You can also call the main script interactively within an IPython session via %run /path/to/your/ or, from the command line, run the script and then start an interactive IPython session via ipython -i /path/to/your/

Or you can call aospy.submit_mult_calcs() directly within an interactive session.

As the calculations are performed, logging information will be printed to the terminal displaying their progress.

Parallelized calculations

The calculations generated by the main script can be executed in parallel using dask.distributed. aospy will either automatically set up a dask.distributed.LocalCluster to perform the calculations, or one can optionally specify an external distributed.Client to delegate the work. Otherwise, or if the user sets parallelize=False in the calc_exec_options argument of aospy.submit_mult_calcs(), script, the calculations will be executed one-by-one.

Particularly on instititutional clusters with many cores, this parallelization yields an impressive speed-up when multiple calculations are generated.


When calculations are performed in parallel, often the logging information from different calculations running simultameously end up interwoven with one another, leading to output that is confusing to follow. Work is ongoing to improve the logging output when the computations are parallelized.

Finding the output

aospy saves the results of all calculations as netCDF files and embeds metadata describing it within the netCDF files, in their filenames, and in the directory structure within which they are saved.

  • Directory structure: /path/to/aospy-rootdir/projname/modelname/runname/varname
  • File name : varname.intvl_out.dtype_out_time.'from_'intvl_in'_'

See the API Reference on aospy.CalcInterface for explanation of each of these components of the path and file name.

Under the hood

aospy.submit_mult_calcs() creates a aospy.CalcSuite object that permutes over the provided lists of calculation specifications, encoding each permutation into a aospy.CalcInterface object.


Actually, when multiple regions and/or output time/regional reductions are specified, these all get passed to each aospy.CalcInterface object rather than being permuted over. They are then looped over during the subsequent calculations. This is to prevent unnecessary re-loading and re-computing, because, for a given simulation/variable/etc., all regions and reduction methods use the same data.

Each aospy.CalcInterface object, in turn, is used to instantiate a aospy.Calc object. The aospy.Calc object, in turn:

  • loads the required netCDF data given its simulation, variable, and date range
  • (if necessary) further truncates the data in time (i.e. to the given subset of the annual cycle, and/or if the requested date range doesn’t exactly align with the time chunking of the input netCDF files)
  • (if the variable is a function of other variables) executes the function that computes the calculation using this loaded and truncated data
  • applies all specified temporal and regional time reductions
  • writes the results (plus additional metadata) to disk as netCDF files and appends it to its own data_out attribute


Unlike aospy.Proj, aospy.Model, aospy.Run, aospy.Var, and aospy.Region, these objects are not intended to be saved in .py files for continual re-use. Instead, they are generated as needed, perform their desired tasks, and then go away.

See the API reference documentation for further details.