aospy: automated climate data analysis and management

aospy is an open source Python package for automating computations that use gridded climate data (namely data stored as netCDF files) and the management of the results of those computations.

Once a user describes where their data is stored on disk using aospy’s built-in tools, they can subsequently use the provided main script at any time to fire off calculations to be performed in parallel using the permutation of an arbitrary number of climate models, simulations, variables to be computed, date ranges, sub-annual-sampling, and many other parameters. Their results get saved in a highly structured directory format as netCDF files.

The eventual goal is for aospy to become the “industry standard” for gridded climate data analysis and, in so doing, accelerate progress in climate science and make the results of climate research more easily reproducible and shareable. aospy relies heavily on the xarray package.

Get in touch

  • Troubleshooting: We are actively seeking new users and are eager to help you get started with aospy! Usage questions, bug reports, and any other correspondence are all welcome and best placed as Issues on the Github repo.
  • Contributing: We are also actively seeking new developers! Please get in touch by opening an Issue or submitting a Pull Request.


aospy is freely available under the open source Apache License.


aospy was originally created by Spencer Hill as a means of automating calculations required for his Ph.D. work across many climate models and simulations. Starting in 2014, Spencer Clark became aospy’s second user and developer. The first official release on PyPI was v0.1 on January 24, 2017.